Lezing OMFT voor NVBT op 11 oktober in Driebergen

Peter geeft op 11 oktober 2016 in Driebergen een lezing voor de NVBT (tandartsenvereniging) over Myofunctionele therapie en tandheelkunde. De avond begint om 20.00 uur (vanaf 19:30 uur inloop met koffie en thee), adres: Parklaan 7 in Driebergen. Zie folder voor meer informatie.

folder lezing 11 oktober 2016 Driebergen

congres Kindertandheelkunde 3 feb 2017 Rai Amsterdam

Op maandag 18 april jl was de eerste meeting van de gastsprekers van het congres Kindertandheelkunde 2017.

Nicoline van de Kaaij, orthodontist Erasmus MC geeft samen met Peter Helderop, logopedist een lezing op het congres Kindertandheelkunde. De lezing zal gaan over een multidisciplinaire benadering van OMFT.

Voor meer informatie zie bureau Kalker te Amsterdam.

2016 New AOMT Courses, Symposium in France & New Research

Dear Tongue Wranglers,
2015 was a landmark year for myofunctional therapy,  with a growing consensus that the field is coming of age.  With the 1st Congress of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences /AAMS in September in Los Angeles (500 attendees from 40+ countries) , a call for papers for an AAMS partnership with Elsevier and the World Association of Sleep Medicine journal Sleep Medicine helping launch a special edition journal on myofunctional therapy, and a surge in new related research there is now more excitement than ever.Our AOMT team is proud to build on this enthusiasm beginning 2016 January 15-16 at an AAMS symposium with the Institut Portmann (birthplace of ENT medicine) in Bordeaux, France, “Breaking News in Sleep Medicine, Snoring, Orthodontic Intervention & Myofunctional Therapy.” Following on March 10-13 will be more groundbreaking research on our field at the AAMS sponsored 4th International Pediatric Sleep Congress in Taipei Taiwan where Myofunctional Therapy will be spotlighted before the world’s leaders in pediatric medicine.Back at the AOMT we have a stellar lineup of myofunctional therapy courses, including our in demand Advanced Sleep Disorders  and Breathing Re-education programs  plus five more Intensive Introductory Courses up through the 1st have of the year:

·  March 18-21, 2016 in Los Angeles: Intensive Intro to Myofunctional Therapy @ UCLA

·  April 29-May 2, 2016 in New York City:  Intensive Intro to Myofunctional Therapy @ NYU College of Dentistry

·  May 13-16, 2016 in San Francisco:  Intensive Intro to Myofunctional Therapy @ UCSF 

·  June 24-26, 2016 in Los Angeles:  Advanced Course:  Myofunctional Therapy & Sleep Disorders, TMD/Orofacial Pain, & Posture (Intro to OMT pt. 2) @ UCLA

·  July 21-24, 2016 in San Diego:  Intensive Intro to Myofunctional Therapy @ UC San Diego

·  July 25-28, 2016 in San Diego:  Advanced Course:  Breathing Re-Education for Myofunctional Therapy with Patrick McKeown @ UC San Diego (Intro to OMT pt. 3)

·  For those looking for a more comprehensive  & intensive introduction to Myofunctional Therapy please consider both San Diego courses in succession this July

·  More course announcements will be coming soon; please email us for suggestions.
It’s safe to say there’s a lot going on. I would love you to join us at any one of the above, or reach out to me at marc@aomtinfo.org if you have any questions.


Very best regards,

Marc Richard Moeller

Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Managing Director

Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences
Executive Director & Founding Board Chair

+1 (310) 382 7852

NVvK Voorjaarscongres 2016

Het NVvK-VBTGG voorjaarscongres zal plaatsvinden op 18 en 19 maart 2016 in hotel Papendal te Arnhem. Het thema is deze keer: “Slikken of Stikken”
Download hier de congresfolder